Pain-Free and Smiling From Ear to Ear What Dental Implants Can Do for You

Pain-Free and Smiling From Ear to Ear What Dental Implants Can Do for You

Hello my friend.

I think we can all agree that no one LIKES going to the dentist.  No one wakes up in the morning and thinks, I have a free afternoon; I think I’ll go to the dentist, just for fun.   We visit doctors and dentists because we must.  Because we’ve reached a point with our health where there is a concern or a problem we must solve and we need expert guidance to get it done.

If you recently lost a tooth or have a mouth full of missing teeth, you may be putting off treatment because you simply don’t like the idea of having a dental procedure.  You may even be suffering with a case of dentaphobia­ or the fear of visiting a dentist’s office.

My friend. I’m here to tell you that you have nothing to fear except the consequences of delaying treatment.  

Dental implants have been around for decades and are a popular and permanent solution to missing teeth.   According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, over 3 million people in the United States have dental implants, and that number grows by about 500,000 annually.

Dental implant procedures are safe, time tested, and a complete success 98% of the time.

When you decide to have your dental implant procedure, here is what you can expect:

  1.  Your initial assessment and consultation.  We will conduct a thorough exam of your mouth, take X-rays and advanced imaging, and evaluate the health of your teeth and jawbone.  If you’re a good candidate (most are), we will customize your treatment plan and move you one step closer to your renewed smile.
  2. Your treatment plans.  When we design your treatment plan, we consider your entire oral health.   If you have gum disease or other dental concerns, these may need to be addressed before your dental implant procedure. 
  3. Implant placement.  Dental implant placement usually requires two appointments. During the first appointment, we use a local anesthesia to numb the area around the implant site.  We then secure the implant to your jawbone.
  4. After placing the implant, we give you specific instructions for caring for the area while it heals.  It can take several months before the implant properly fuses with the jawbone.  There may be discomfort and swelling at first, but this usually goes away entirely within a few days.
  5. Abutment placement.  Once the implant has fused to your jawbone, it’s time for your second appointment to place the abutment—a small connector piece that attaches the implant post to the future replacement tooth.
  6. Replacement tooth or teeth secured.   Thanks to our advanced imaging, we will have accurate impressions of your teeth. This ensures the replacement tooth we choose matches your other teeth and your smile perfectly.  We attach replacement teeth to the abutments, completing the dental implant process.
  7. And this is my favorite part…You get to see the results.  We hand you a mirror, and you see your renewed smile for the first time.  You see two rows of natural-looking and complete teeth.  And we get to see your confidence soar and your dentaphobia disappear entirely. 

Renewing smiles.  Replacing missing teeth with the highest quality, most customized dental implants that look natural and in line in our patient’s mouth.  Seeing their self-confidence bloom when they see their reflection for the first time after their dental implant procedure.  These are good moments. These are happy moments.

If you are ready for your happy moment, call our office at 603-605-0036

Set your free consultation and be one step closer to the smile and self-confidence you’ve been missing.

Give us a call today. We are happy to help in every way we can, and we can’t wait to see you smile.

Are you missing a tooth or a mouth full of teeth? Bring Back Your Confident Smile.

Download Your Free Report and Discover How.

Talk, Laugh, and Enjoy Your Favorite Foods with Teeth That Look and Feel Natural and Will Last a Lifetime.


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